Midwest Board
Photo: YMIM Founding Board, September 2013
2019 Board:
- Sara Aitken
- Chris Andersen
- Matt Dumler
- Kris Kvam
- Tony Liu
- Thomas McIntyre
- Cindy Parks
- Desiree' Reinke
- Zach Walker
- Rick Walter
- Mark Webb
- Sally Wright
- Matt Vaughan, director
- First United Methodist Church, Lawrence, KS
- Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church (USA), Overland Park, KS
- United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, Leawood, KS
- First United Methodist Church, Hays, KS
- Village Presbyterian Church (USA), Prairie Village, KS
2019 Officers are Members at Village Presbyterian Church and United Methodist Church of the Resurrection:
Chair: Rev. Zach Walker
Affiliation: Associate Pastor for Youth Ministry at Village Presbyterian Church
Vice-Chair: Mark Webb
Company Affiliation: H&R Block
Treasurer: Thomas McIntyre
Company Affiliation: Made in KC (entrepreneur)
Secretary: Sara Aitken
Company Affiliation: Blue Valley Schools
Previous YMI Board Representative: Rick Walter
Company Affiliation: Iron Mountain